Monday, August 30, 2010

Disabling Lenovo Veriface

Nuove poesie...

It 's a period in which they are a bit' scattered and am working on three projects of contemporary writing. I should probably focus on only one ... but I'm just like this.
Here are the latest poems I posted on some websites ... and below, included in a forthcoming collection.

The natural order

But I do not know why I do not like
The natural order of things. The perpetual succession


Alternating day and night.
The stages of life: the first tooth

one year,
puberty at twelve, thirty
sixty retirement.
I want the confusion, the deviation
the non-repetition.

I could die for a remake of a
of an already wanted
of an already heard.

bulging from a common life
I stood on the bank of a river
A dream
Which goes against the current,
That leaves
not fall from the branches
But to rise up in the sky Read
What is eaten at Christmas
That fire
Turn off the water

That man bites dog .

But all the same and equal

repeats itself each day, tilting her head

only change my point of view, but this is too little

not enough To keep me quiet here
not enough.



Who are my soul, hidden in this

body of a woman?

I always thought that my ideas
Do not have sex,
But it was not true.

On my heart there is a breast
Refuge of a child,
promise of love. As a heart
Exposed for all to see. Yet

This applies to my secret.

I am the belly of the world,
have a house, shelter
desires lost
prompt response
mute questions.

as I wrap a blanket
cold and heat.
who has always tried
The warmth and life.

Who are my soul?

If man is the war I am the peace

If man is thirsty

If I am the rain the man is starving
I am the bread.


Sunday, August 29, 2010

How Many Combinations Of Letters Are There

Parole e numeri

some time on Facebook I propose to my "contacts" stories that I wrote many years ago, published in the newspaper Liberty.
For my "giusynauti" of the blog I would do the same.
I'm planning to put them in a book.
gladly submit them to the opinion of all the friends who come to see me here.

Freedom Summer Tales-> Summer - Tales 2003

words and numbers

Giuseppe Cafaro Panic

That damned afraid to write.

was two years since I wrote. Did not feel worthy to do so. Every time I was about to make concrete the ideas that leaned into her, she stopped. Paralyzed.

He realized that only the trivial thoughts floating in my head. Concepts approved, standardized items, such as text on a television commercial.

Below the waterline, however, received a continuous and constant boil.

tried to fish in the well of his inner monster and worried that the ocean at the same time stimulated. None. Fished just rags and old shoes, worn and already use, with great dissatisfaction and when irrequietezza.Da then he resumed his study of the classics, each author is the crossroads at the majestic with its inventions, its subtle textures, accurate descriptions, never predictable or boring ... The "Recherche" Proust's drama ... which it picked up after reading difficult and listless youth ... those magnificent characters hatch slowly over the course of a work of gigantic proportions, surprised, as if by accident, only in their more mundane skills, drawing rooms, but each one characterized by such craft as to reveal all their lives even outside of that scenario ... would never be able to create a character like the Baron Charlus or Mrs. Verdurin ... Nor the thousands of other readings in those long months had filled his irrepressible need for literature could alleviate that sense of extreme inferiorità.Tutto was already written, already thought of everything ... like the post-modern arts had abdicated innovation, so even the literary was perhaps resigned to the surrender representation to take refuge in something else, maybe not in literature? Or maybe it was just "his" alleged literary art that was not art, it was nothing ... A writer who does not write ... as a living being who does not live ... a lover who does not love.

Because the wires of his inner thoughts not bind more as a time when he was forced even on the streets, looking for a piece of paper whatever, even a receipt, to transcribe thoughts, emotions, not to lose those pieces of themselves that otherwise would have lost forever?

Where to find this strange inner fire that feeds itself, regardless of success or the appreciation of the people ...

What was missing?

Haima knew that the only way to find herself was to search for the word, words, musical notes with which every writer dreams of creating his great sinfonia.Le evocative of good and evil, magic formulas that God gave us to evoke the world, "universal" objects of centuries of philosophical debates, the Word made flesh or meat Word made ... Haima focused on the concept of word, look, to recognize it, to return to love it ... Although escaped anyway. From every corner of his mind, any memory, any dialogue ... In vain the chase and tried to grab her to deposit it and write it. Rebelled, snorted, writhed and wriggled.

How to stop it?

Where to find a swarm to catch the fly ... at least not in

cold numbers that surrounded it.


Without a doubt it was necessary for someone even if they were to occupy. As a cog in each piece is equally important for the proper functioning well for the organization delle attività del mondo era inequivocabilmente indispensabile che una percentuale di esseri viventi fosse applicata nella gestione dei numeri.E ad Haima era capitato di entrare nell'ingranaggio, perché la vita ti conduce anche dove non avresti voluto andare.Numeri, numeri, tanto freddi, tanto più pesanti e definitivi … quando invece la parola è leggera, vola nell'etere della fantasia e cattura come un acchiappafarfalle tutti i significati che ognuno vuole attribuirle… E se è pronunciata dalle diverse voci umane muta colore come un prisma, dal nero di chi se ne serve con spietatezza al rosa di chi la dice con animo delicato, al giallo di chi la fa uscire da sé carica di maligni sottintesi. Raramente una parola è circoscritta as a number. When it is - as in "death" or "never again"-becomes a tragic mask, is tinged with purple and brings us into contact with the finiteness of our being. Despite its brevity and its sufficient in itself does not exhaust the thoughts of those who speak or write or listen. Death: five letters, however terrible that is accompanied by the hopeful doubt if death is really the conclusion of the whole ... ultimately if death is the death, never again ... two small words, or accompanied by the fear that what we have concluded does not happen more ... or that, in contrast to happen ancora.La word is a bridge between the speaker and listener, between writer and reader, means of communication without space and time, which allows us di comunicare con persone morte da secoli (morte quindi, ma dunque per tornare alle elucubrazioni di prima … veramente "morte"?) e abitanti nelle più lontane terre del mondo…Parole parole parole, quelle che non bucavano più il suo foglio di carta bianco che rimaneva illibato non come una giovane vergine in attesa del suo primo bacio, ma come una rugosa zitella che non sperava più nemmeno in una carezza.Così Haima si chiuse in una stanza, senza suoni, senza luce … in cerca di se stessa.

Non la trovò più.

Fece molta fatica a togliere dalla sua mente le mille banalità e affanni della vita quotidiana. L'olio sintetico e un po' dozzinale che faceva funzionare i famosi ingranaggi, fatto di abitudini, meccanicismi di occupazioni concrete a cui aveva dato un'importanza eccessiva, microcosmi lavorativi in cui non era altro che un numero, appunto, intercambiabile, divertimenti che appagavano la sua corporeità ma non il suo spirito.

Ecco dove si era persa.

Ecco dove i più si perdono, dimentichi dell'umanità e della scintilla divina che si esprime nelle nostre unicità, del nostro essere diseguali da tutti. Omologati, allineati, abbruttiti nel seguire la corrente, nell'essere semplici addendi, cambiando il cui ordine nulla cambia.

Numeri, numeri.

Non c'è nulla di male nei numeri, basta tenerli a bada e non considerarli altro che numeri, severi giudici della nostra vita, delle nostre ricchezze. Onesti connettori dei segreti dell'universo, comode grandezze per mettere ordine nel mondo.Ma dall'ordine non nasce arte.

Dall'ordine deve distaccarsi necessariamente una particella maleducata, ribelle che crea la dissonanza, la varietà, in definitiva… la vita.

Haima respirò a fondo e, sola e al buio, si dimenticò delle occupazioni recenti, delle sue banali rivendicazioni da travet e tornò bambina, con la voglia di conoscere il mondo e di farsi domande su tutto quello che vedeva, di conoscere tutte le parole… ogni parola che imparava era un pezzo di mondo che conosceva e si teneva dentro… come tanti software inseriti man mano in un computer, anzi nel Computer Supremo che il grande Bill Gates del Creato ci ha fornito cadauno.Con la sua infanzia rifecero capolino emozioni e persone dimenticate, storie cancellate, sorrisi e pianti. Dolori forti, anche, che la sorpresero in un pianto dirotto.E poi amori passati, viaggi, tanti volti … la sua vita… in un viaggio breve ma intensissimo che la lasciò esausta e dolente.

Recherche … non era un caso che negli ultimi tempi leggesse come ossessionata la lunga opera di Proust. Ricerca del tempo perduto. Ricerca di sé.

Cercare, cercarsi e non trovarsi… Ritrovarsi. E promettere di non perdersi mai più.

Haima riaccese la luce e si guardò allo specchio.

Gli occhi scuri cerchiati dal pianto. Avvicinò il proprio viso allo specchio, sempre più vicino fino a sfiorarlo.Si scrutò così negli occhi con uno sguardo penetrante che non avrebbe rivolto nemmeno al grande amore della sua vita…Nella pupilla di solito un po' velata rivide riapparire una luce antica, che veniva da chissà dove… comunque da molto lontano. I due sguardi si congiunsero fulminanti.

Haima era tornata.