Saturday, October 16, 2010

Extra Flaming Hot Cheetos

Premio Letterario Internazionale Città di Cattolica - Il Regolamento

The Cultural Association "PEGASUS Catholic" with Under the patronage of the Prime Minister, the Emilia Romagna region of our Province and the Municipality of Cattolica, organizes the 3rd edition of the International Literary Prize City of Cattolica articolato in cinque sezioni.

A. Libro edito in Lingua Italiana o in lingua Inglese inerenti la narrativa, la poesia e la saggistica.
B. Opere inedite di poesia in lingua italiana, in lingua Inglese o in vernacolo italiano.
C. Narrativa inedita in lingua Italiana o Inglese.
D. Romanzo inedito in lingua italiana o Inglese.
E. Silloge poetica in lingua italiana o Inglese.
F. Articolo giornalistico in lingua Italiana o Inglese.


Il tema è libero.

E’ possibile partecipare alle sezioni B, C, ed F, con max 3 elaborati, per le categorie A e D one developed for the categories is a collection of at least 25 and Max 30 poems. Each participant can freely participate in multiple categories, by paying its share.

ART. 1
Registration for the competition is open to writers of any nationality. The accession by minors must be countersigned by the person exercising parental authority.

ART. 2
competitors or publishers to participate in the competition must pay a contribution (membership fee) of € 25.00 pears categories A, D and E and € 20.00 for the remaining categories on C / No C BANK 2946-Coord. Banking IT-71Z/08578/67750/000030102946 intestato all’Associazione Culturale “PEGASUS CATTOLICA” o in alternativa assegno circolare intestato all’Associazione entro e non oltre il 31.01.2011 (farà fede la data del timbro postale). Ed inviare le composizioni complete di fotocopia del versamento o corredate dell’assegno, al seguente indirizzo:
Associazione Culturale “PEGASUS CATTOLICA” via Irma Bandiera 29 47841 Cattolica (RN). Tel. 347 1021100

ART. 3
Le composizioni relative alle categorie B,C,D,E ed F dovranno pervenire in forma dattiloscritta ed in cinque copie di cui una sola firmata e corredata di tutti i dati dell’autore, compreso address E. MAIL. The works involved in the poetry section shall not be greater than forty verses, while the compositions of narrative, can not exceed (roughly) the four folders (A4) standards body in twelve 1800 characters including spaces. For category D, there are limits of folders, the works must be bound with wire tapping or thermal binding. Regarding the category "E" are provided a minimum of 25 pages and a maximum of 30 . The article on the Cat "F", but can not exceed 1 page newspaper 1650 characters including spaces.

ART. 4
For category A will be sent no 5 copies only on paper in books published during the period January 2006 - January 2011. The Association of entries received by the date specified will be judged by a jury of experts. Additional prizes may be established by the course of work, the jury's decision will be final and binding authority.

ART. 5
The winning works will remain available to the Association and reported for future events and are not returnable.

ART. 6
The winners must personally pick up the prizes or send someone you trust, during the event with the exception of cash prizes for which there is a requirement of the author. Please note that these awards will not in any way be shipped. In the case of ex aequo the prize will be divided equally among the participants.

ART. 7
The awards will be in April 2011 at the Queen's Theatre, located in Piazza della Repubblica in Cattolica.

ART. 8
The jury will be composed of critics, writers, and influential people from different cultural sectors. The awards consist of grants in cash, trophies, plaques and publications. The publishers to whom you will report the most deserving participants, we reserve the right to prospect loro l’opportunità di una eventuale pubblicazione delle loro opere.

ART. 9
La serata di Premiazione alla quale parteciperanno personaggi del mondo dello spettacolo e della cultura, sarà allietata da intermezzi musicali, coreografie a tema e dalla pubblica lettura da parte degli autori delle opere selezionate come vincitrici.

ART. 10
I vincitori delle sei categorie dei premi, dei premi della giuria, della critica e dei premi di merito, saranno avvertiti tramite telefonata, mail, o raccomandata almeno 15 giorni prima della data della cerimonia di premiazione. Tutti i partecipanti potranno comunque consultare gli elenchi dei vincitori direttamente sul sito dell’Associazione within 48 hours after the conclusion of the work of the Board.

ART. 11
There are no refunds for hotel expenses, participants will stay at a hotel if they wish an agreement with the Association.

ART. 12
For the most complete seriousness and transparency, we state that the winners of the first three prizes in each category in the competition can not join the premium edition for the following year attended. 20PREMIO%%% 202010.pdf 20LETTERARIO


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