continue our round of interviews between independent publishers on the recent "Law on the price of books." After Daniela Di Sora (Voland), also Geneva Bompiani, founder of the Knight Bus, has agreed to answer a few questions on the subject.
Lady Bompiani, the new version of the bill passed the Senate March 2 contains some significant changes from the original, licensed by the House in July last year. In particular, it is expected the roof to 15% discounts on volumes, up to 25% on publishers' promotions and promotional campaigns not reiterabilità (che dovranno diversificarsi nel corso dell'anno solare). Come giudica, nel complesso, la norma? È soddisfatta?
Sono modifiche importanti, anche se lontane da quello che volevamo e che tuttora vogliamo. Abbiamo scelto di sospendere la battaglia su questa prima vittoria, ma speriamo che la legge dia come frutto anche il desiderio di migliorarla ulteriormente. Il vero obiettivo è la legge Lang , che si applica con grande successo in Francia e che prevede un massimo sconto del 5%.
Sostanzialmente, il Senato ha tenuto conto delle proposte avanzate dall'associazione "I mulini a vento", which is also part of the Knight Bus. When you independent publishers have decided to put together your strengths, think that your initiative would be successful?
Well, I hope so. But it was a very tough fight, it seemed that some media groups had taken the example from the Government in making laws to their advantage. It was difficult to obtain a hearing, and give us are not institutions or libraries editorials, but the Cultural Commission of the Senate, where we found extraordinary people who have supported us to the end, like Senator Vincenzo Vita. But the other members of the Commission were much more who would be receptive to the office.
The new version of the text (which before the law, remember, you must be ratified by the Chamber) has also sparked several controversies. Someone accused of being "neo-Luddites," opponents of the market to protect corporate interests. Moreover, the law, according to opponents, would prevent, in fact, lower prices and would constitute a barrier to market online (subject to the same roof off). How do you respond to these criticisms?
We actually had two kinds of criticism, those a cui allude lei, e quelle opposte, che ci accusano di non aver fatto abbastanza.
Ai primi vogliamo dire che la legge voluta dai grandi gruppi, e a cui abbiamo portato qualche modifica, era sì una legge corporativa, perché difendeva loro da Amazon e dalla Grande Distribuzione (supermercati, ecc.) e lasciava a terra editori e librai indipendenti, che in questo periodo hanno spesso chiuso bottega. In realtà, gli sconti sono una truffa. Per poterli praticare bisogna prima alzare i prezzi, cosa che Mondadori ha puntualmente fatto a gennaio. E sono comunque possibili solo alle grosse tirature. Il che vuol dire che poi in libreria si trovano scontati solo i best-seller , while the other books disappear from the market.
culture that coincides with the "commercial", while the reverse was never true. A book "commercial" may be beautiful, but is unlikely to be new, unusual, different, because the success smiles usually what one "knows", that is what you already know. A policy prohibiting the discounts on to lower prices and allows bibliodiversity, that the richness.
To those critics who make us the opposite we can only say: "tough fight for the culture ..."
La sensazione è che il mercato editoriale italiano necessiti di una riforma profonda. Quali dovrebbero essere, a suo giudizio, i principi guida di un'eventuale provvedimento legislativo su questa materia? E soprattutto, pensa che l'editoria possa ormai prescindere da un confronto serio col mondo delle tecnologie ( e-book in primis)?
Una riforma profonda dovrebbe prendere in considerazione la specialità italiana che consiste, per alcuni gruppi, nel possedere tutta la filiera: case editrici, reti di distribuzione, catene librarie... È un privilegio che gli altri Paesi non consentono or do not cover and that gives disproportionate advantages to a few publishers. Should take into account the large number of publishers and independent booksellers and make sure they do not become the new panda. There are good examples around us to read well done: France, Spain, Germany, etc.. It is a disastrous example not to follow: England.
regard to technology, the confrontation has already begun, and each time it will change with her.
The "New rules on the price of the books" (or Levi law, named after the first member of the petitioner) is part of those measures in support of bibliodiversity, the plurality of editorial voices. Obviously, however, that such a measure is not sufficient to ensure the survival of many medium and especially small publishers (and libraries) independent in the face of giants in the industry. What, in your opinion, any further action that may be of support and protection to cultural heritage as important as that represented by the editor, and independent bookstores?
I do not think that the law had as its main objective the Levi bibliodiversity and pluralism. So much so that he tried in every way not to listen to the voice of small and medium-sized enterprises, which represent them. There is took a lot of tenacity on the part of all of us to get something.
The necessary steps are many and clear enough, just agree to take them. Among other things, even before helping the publishing industry, you may stop to harm, restoring more favorable postal rates, or lowering the VAT rate. It would be something.
In conclusion, as explained to a reader / consumer benefits that this law could make to him?
will have more libraries, more books, more choice: e magari converrà che il libro non è una merce d’occasione imposta dal produttore più grosso, ma un nutrimento delicato e necessario da scegliere con accuratezza.
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