Monday, March 14, 2011

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Women, law and development-brief reflection on the assembly of the March 9 Paola Pau

The meeting of March 9, all'Aris Garden clubs organized by PD-AXA Palocco and Ostia Antica with the presence of Senator Anna Finocchiaro, has a clear title and directed "Women, law and development. The PD is a project for Italy. " There seems, therefore, an important link between these terms from very short to tell a very significant event and participated

the center, the woman, as the first term of the speech. In fact, the echo of the great event of 13 February, which saw the streets hundreds of thousands of people (women and men
friends women) is a starting point and an opportunity to of much debate. In real politics, culture, ethics and civil society. The sense of that square is not determined easily. We tried putting together some ideas: First, the participation

transverse testimony of persons of experiences, cultures, different political thoughts. The square becomes a physical and ideal in which defend a crushed and offended dignity. For too long silence has muted the urge to react to a condition that is measured again with the subordination in the workplace, politics, social recognition. With the weight of the dual role, private and public. The square becomes, then, the words to say, how to represent it, to tell the story. In addition (And last) that extraordinary event explained how civil society must listen, pay attention to what he has to tell and that, therefore, is negative to silence the will and needs.

The two obsessions of the Prime Minister - women and justice - are likely to track and influence the policy choices of resolutions. No doubt it is not easy to leave from the thought of these locations. However, we strongly feel should (re) find the idea that force the construction of a particular party is the development of its values \u200b\u200band principles. All this applies to issues of justice, labor rights civilians, as well as for attention to young people and women. Applies to a policy of integration and acceptance that focuses on the richness of intercultural dialogue and the positive rather than a false and dangerous idea of \u200b\u200bsocial emergency, the precariousness and insecurity.

The Democratic Party does not seek a leader around which to build all this. Surely it can not be denied the importance of charismatic figures but it is well to remember that without a will widespread and shared the story stops . What is happening in the Mediterranean countries it is the most dramatic and courageous witness.

Paola Pau
Circolo PD Casalpalocco Axa


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